Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Spare some change?

people are always using
a language
they pretend not to understand.
Wringing their hands,
putting their weight
on their left hip
when they stand.
Their eyes wander,
looking up and left to remember
or down and right to escape.
They look right at you
to try and make you believe
a ridiculous lie.
They stand too close, sometimes
and fill their awkwardly transitioned
sentences with "ums" and "ah's",
building a verbal wall
so you don't jump in just yet.
They smile and smirk
and they weave tales
rich with accidental metaphors
and in between their words
and hand gestures
and shifting weight
lies the real meat and potatoes.

Here's what they're mostly trying to say:
"I'm a human being, and I love you.
We are all poets and
musicians, and we are all poor.
Hey... Spare some change?"

1 comment:

JuliePoet said...

They smile and smirk
and they weave tales
rich with accidental metaphors
and in between their words
and hand gestures
and shifting weight
lies the real meat and potatoes.


and, I think, my favorite poem.